
Sunday 22nd of September 2024

Places to Visit in Chilika Lake

Chilika Lake is perceived as one of the wetlands globally, as it’s an abode of magnificent diversity of birds and it is the largest coastal lagoon in India and one of the largest brackish water lagoons in the world and its been listed as a tentative UNESCO World Heritage site.


Sunday 22nd of September 2024

Places to Visit in Konark

Puri is renowned as one of the pilgrimage site of the Hindus , as it is embraced with Lord Jaganath Temple one of the well-known temple and it is believed to be Lord Vishnu’s final resting place, the place is also acclaimed for its art and architecture and also its silver work for cultural structures.


Sunday 22nd of September 2024

Places to Visit in Bhubaneswar

Bhubaneswar is called as the City of Temples but the city is also known for administration, information, education, technology and also as a great tourism city. The city is also one of the fast developing cities and also one of the commercial hub of eastern India.


Sunday 22nd of September 2024

Places to Visit in Puri

Odisha can never go under disguise but it is well known as the secret heritage of India, the Golden Triangle of the Odisha which is recognized for the three places trio known as Puri-Konark-Bhubaneswar. Apart from this Chilika Lake, which is the most eye catching tourist place and it’s the best place for sightseeing, it is also considered as the largest coastal lagoon in India and the largest brackish water lagoon in the world after The New Caledonian barrier reef.

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Micheal Clordy


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod tortor vitae nisi pharetra egestas. Sed egestas sapien libero.

Ketty Perry


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod tortor vitae nisi pharetra egestas. Sed egestas sapien libero.

Micheal Clordy
